Today I will be sharing something more personal and joyous for me, as stated in the title! I have managed to get my post to the top posts of Instagram! Here’s a picture of it!
The picture above is the hot milk cake slices that I have produced over the weekend! It is admittedly the most popular post right now on my blog as I am writing this ( 4th August 2017 ). My picture is that at the top right hand corner!
Another side information, #sgfood stands for Singapore Food, for those who are not sure what does it stands for! I am a Singaporean afterall! Singapore is a relatively young city state located in South East Asia.
I was really shocked to be honest because I didn’t expect it at all. I mean, usually I use hashtags, but I don’t really check them very often. As such, it has taken me aback to suddenly see my post on the top! In fact, I thought that someone more popular has plagiarized my image which is why I am seeing it there!
Personally, to me, it is a very big feat. Perhaps it is very achievable for you, the one who is reading it, or anyone else. But being someone who just started the active use of social media at about late 2015, I am constantly in envy of those people who manage to make their posts there. It’s like as if they are the popular kids of the school, except in the Instagram context!
For me, I never believed that I will be able to meet the cut. This is such a big milestone that I did not even expect to achieve because I never believed that I have the capability to achieve such a big feat. Of course, I would have to admit that this hashtag in the picture has only about 1.5 million posts in total as of the date I post it. But to me, that is a lot, for someone who has barely a thousand followers on Instagram.
Am I one of those popular kids now, finally?!
Now, people will be looking at my work, and I myself am looking at my work which is now at the top! It’s like wow, do you see me now world? I hope you do, because I am really happy to be able to have the privilege to share my creations with all of you!
It also uplifted my spirits from the very tough and depressing week I had previously before I baked this hot milk cake during the weekends. You see, I was actually baking something simple simply as a form of therapy, and to remind myself to appreciate the simpler things in life. As such, it came as a surprise to me that I am able to make it because I was doubting my own capabilities so much.
Needless to say, I would not be able to achieve it without my followers. If any of my Instagram followers ( My instagram account is @Bakeomaniac ), are reading this right now, I would like to thank you for making my success possible.
Haven’t follow me on Instagram yet? I would recommend you to but only if you want to. But even if you do not follow me, or do not have an Instagram account, I would like to thank all my patient readers as well. Considering how this blog is in the nascent stage where I only established it on 28th April 2017, the ability to be trusted ( in the sense that people at least read my recipes ) makes me feel extremely honoured.
It just makes me feel all warm, bubbly and happy inside each time I know that there are people supporting me, one way or another.
Admittedly, it is effortless to like a picture. In fact, I must admit that from time to time, I like pictures mindlessly to. But I would like to take this opportunity too to remind you that sometimes giving assurance to people can make their day brighter, and we should always try to spread as much care and love as we can! For instance, as stated in this post, all of you have brightened up my day, and my week, and months to come! 🙂
For people who are curious, you can go search up how do posts make up to the top posts of Instagram. I don’t really get it. I mean, afterall I am better with the whisk than with computer algorithms! Do share with me in simplified terms that are not so complicated, if you understand it!
Before I end this post, I would like to thank all of you again, my instagram followers, blog readers and other communities that have checked my posts out.
Your constant assurance, care and feedback never meant nothing to me, and I always constantly value them. All of you matter to me.
Have a nice weekend,
Bakeomaniac, Javier Tan!
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